Saturday, June 19, 2010

What's new in Biz Talk Server 2009

Ever since the launch of Biz Talk Server 2009 there has been some confusion over the features and functionalities that were in Biz Talk Server 2006 and those that are in Biz talk server 2009. Here I am going to touch upon some important points which would make clear that what all has changed or have been upgraded.

The following component/feature has been deprecated and no longer available in Biz Talk Server 2009:

  • BizTalk Deployment Command Line Tool
  • HWS Design Tools
  • Human Workflow Services Runtime Components
  • Human Workflow Services Base Assemblies
  • Human Workflow Service Administration Tools
  • BAS Schema Editor Extension
  • BizTalk Message Queuing
  • Deployment Wizard
  • Health and activity monitoring tool (Moved to BTS Admin Console)

Also the following features/Components has been deprecated:
  • VS ExplorerUI (BizTalk Explorer)
  • Web Services Publishing wizard (ASMX)
  • Line of Business Adapters for SAP/Oracle DB/Siebel
  • The old SQL Server Adapter
  • Base EDI Adapter(exists as Standard EDI Adapter)
  • BTS Accelerator for HIPAA (exists as EDI feature)
  • Web Services Enhancements adapter WSE (Replaced by WCF)
  • MSMQt Adapter (newMSMQ adapter)BTSDeploy.exe Utility (replaced by BTSTask.exe)

From now on there is support for Windows 7 and windows 2008 r2, also support for Visual Studio 2010 as expected, from the previous release a platform shift is required.

The BizTalk Administration console has gone for a few enhancements, making it easier to use particularly in live production environments, where lots of things might be happening at once, adding to the cool things in 2009, when HAT went away and tracking was available from the administration console.

The BizTalk mapper has had a few enhancements, things you would have thought should have been there long ago, and there are still many improvements here that never made it out of the product group that would make life much nicer.

FTP you say, we have been asking for SFTP for a long time, I hear whispers that it might be in this release… along with a whole bunch of new FTP features, keep your mouth open for this one, it looks good to me.

There are some new features introduced, and some enhancements to existing features, not as many as I would have liked… These lie round EDI, there is a focus on making this better in each release as we saw in 2009. EDI is not dead, just as Cobol is not dead.

There are plans to deprecate some features, why you would want to do this? However there are plans, not major or drastic, and you will have to wait and see all of them.

The SOAP Adapter is on the cards for removal, replaced by the WCF-BasicHttp, there is some contention amongst the industry as this adapter still provides some features not found in WCF.

SQL Adapter, this has been coming for some time and nothing thats not expected with most adapters, the old SQL Adapter may go and be replaced by a WCF SQL Adapter.

New Web Services Registry UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, Integration) includes a UDDI 3.0 registry which provides support for registry affiliation, extended discovery services, digital certificates and extensibility for a subscription API.

New Messaging Changes

Recoverable interchange (XMLValidator, map – SuspendMessageOnMappingFailure property)
Choose the transaction isolation level in the WCF-Custom Send Adapter

Support for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and Visual Studio 2008 SP1

Support for Windows Server 2008 , and for sure support for the Hyper-V virtualization that provide the meaning of reducing the costs through lower hardware, energy, and management overhead, plus providing a dynamic IT infrastructure.

Improved Failover Clustering, By taking advantage of Windows 2008 clustering, BizTalk Server is now able to be deployed in multi-site cluster scenarios, where cluster nodes could reside on separate IP subnets and avoid complicated VLANs.

Support for SQL 2008 has also been included in Biz Talk Server 2009.

New Adapters have been introduced:
  • Oracle E-Business Suites
  • SQL Server (much improved over the existing SQL adapter)
Host Integration Server 2009 & BizTalk Adapters for Host Systems (BAHS) 2.0

New WCF WebSphere MQ channel to integrate directly with WebSphere MQ.
New WCF Service for Host Applications has been added to expose the traditional Transaction Integrator to .NET Framework developers.
Support for the most recent versions of CICS, IMS, CICS HTTP transport, DB2, DB2/400, DB2 Universal Database, and WebSphere MQ.

Support for Team Foundation Server (TFS), now the development teams can automate builds, bug tracking, Project Server integration, source control and team development support

Standard used for creating Web service registries.

Provide new ESB Guidance plugins inside Visual Studio 2008, ESB Guidance 2.0 that is used for applying ESB usage patterns, improved itinerary processing, itinerary modeling using a visual Domain Specific Language (DSL) tools approach also it comes with enhanced ESB management portal.

BizTalk 2009 has the same failover clustering capabilities as Windows Server 2008 for greater reliability

Enhanced Business Activity Monitoring , the combination of BizTalk 2009 and SQL 2008 provide support for UDM cubes and scalable real-time aggregations which enhances support for Microsoft PerformancePoint Server 2007

Connectivity with intelligent RFID devices:

  • Support for RFID 1.1
  • BizTalk RFID extended to Mobile Devices
  • Support for key industry standards
  • Enables using new readers with LLRP (Low Level Reader Protocol)
  • Machine readable tag data standards (TDT for EPC)
  • Web Services for device management and Discovery, Configuration, Initialization (DCI)
  • WS Discovery and partial EPCIS support

Enhanced support for EDI and AS2

BizTalk Server 2009 is the sixth formal release of the BizTalk Server product. This upcoming release has a heavy focus on platform modernization through new support for Windows Server 2008, Visual Studio.NET 2008, SQL Server 2008, and the .NET Framework 3.5. This will surely help developers who have already moved to these platforms in their day-to-day activities but have been forced to maintain separate environments solely for BizTalk development efforts.

The new WCF Sql Adapter

The BizTalk Adapter Pack 2.0 now contains five system and data adapters including SAP, Siebel, Oracle databases, Oracle applications, and SQL Server. What are these adapters and how are they different than the adapters available for previous version of BizTalk?
Up until recently, BizTalk adapters were built using a commonly defined BizTalk Adapter Framework. This framework prescribed interfaces and APIs for adapter developers in order to elicit a common look and feel for the users of the adapters. Moving forward, adapter developers are encouraged by Microsoft to use the new WCF LOB Adapter SDK. As you can guess from the name, this new adapter framework, which can be considered an evolution of the BizTalk Adapter Framework, is based on WCF technologies.
All of the adapters in the BizTalk Adapter Pack 2.0 are built upon the WCF LOB Adapter SDK. What this means is that all of the adapters are built as reusable, metadata-rich components that are surfaced to users as WCF bindings. So much like you have a wsHttp or netTcp binding, now you have a sqlBinding orsapBinding. As you would expect from a WCF binding, there is a rich set of configuration attributes for these adapters and they are no longer tightly coupled to BizTalk itself. Microsoft has made connection a commodity, and no longer do organizations have to spend tens of thousands of dollars to connect to line of business systems like SAP through expensive, BizTalk-only adapters.
This latest version of the BizTalk Adapter Pack now includes a SQL Server adapter, which replaces the legacy BizTalk-only SQL Server adapter. What do we get from this SQL Server adapter that makes it so much better than the old one?
Classic SQL Adapter
WCF SQL Adapter
Execute create-read-update-delete statements on tables and views; execute stored procedures and generic T-SQL statements
Partial (send operations only support stored procedures and updategrams)
Database polling via FOR XML
Database polling via  traditional tabular results
Proactive database push via SQL Query Notification
Expansive adapter configuration which impacts connection management and transaction behavior
Support for composite transactions which allow aggregation of operations across tables or procedures into a single atomic transaction
Rich metadata browsing and retrieval for finding and selecting database operations
Support for the latest data types (e.g. XML) and SQL Server 2008 platform
Reusable outside of BizTalk applications by WCF or basic HTTP clients
Adapter extension and configuration through out of the box WCF components or custom WCF behaviors
Dynamic WSDL generation which always reflects current state of the system instead of fixed contract which always requires explicit updates

Video Tutorial

A good video tutorial that describes the changes is as follows :

Further Readings

For further readings refer to the links below:

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